If you’re new to this site or method, use the Chrome / Firefox add-on Yomichan.I still recommend this method for longer texts such as novels. If you’ve previously used the Rikaisama pop-up dictionary and followed my previous guides, you can continue doing so using a Firefox-derived browser.What options are available then, sans going all the way and developing said tools yourself? Rely not just solely on foreign-language translations, but use Japanese dictionary definitions for optimized studying.Contextualize your cards with Japanese example sentences.Improve your retention-rate with hover-able furigana reading-aids and crystal-clear audio-readings.Vocab-mine Japanese texts you’re reading both on- and off-line using Chrome or Firefox.

So it’s 20 XX, wasting valuable time on automatable processes bores you and you’re keen on integrating technology more efficiently in your Japanese language-acquisition. The Anki-integrated Firefox pop-up dictionary Rikaisama has since then becoming obsolete, and I have since mostly relied on Yomichan instead.
#Anki japanese vocabulary deck how to
One of those entries extensively documented how to connect Anki with Firefox to vocab-mine Japanese texts in my browser with JPod101 audio-readings, example-sentences and Japanese dictionary definitions posts that became somewhat high-ranking when looking up all things Anki.